Atomic Art 1988 1992

Geoff Corbett

Rosz Craig

Neil Degney

Donna Free

Brad Nunn

Kirsti Watson

+ many special guest artists...







Geoff Corbett is mainly known these days for his work in the band SixftHick, also his current band Shifting Sands. Image links to his Instagram.

He also has some moving image credits here:

... and some music here:

First invitation by Geoff Corbett, second done by Kirsti Watson with photo of Geoff.





Rosz Craig... Yep, that's me...



Neil Degney - Photo by Neil Griffith. Rosz Craig, Neil Degney at Metro Arts c1989. Click image for link to Neil's Instagram.




Donna Free - Image stolen from Donna's Facebook! From left: Brian Menzies, Rosz Craig, Neil Degney, Donna Free and Kirsti Watson at Doggett Street Studios. Donna's current work.



Brad Nunn is slack about putting his artwork up on the internet! Click the image for some further information from Griffith University.



Kirsti Watson is very slack about putting her artwork up on the internet!  

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